"Seriously why the hell won't he just tell me what he is thinking?"
Wondering what he really wants from you...what he dreams about most...and what he really wishes for in a woman?
If you do, you're definitely not the only one! I can tell you that!
According to relationship expert who has appeared on the Rachael Ray Show and was interviewed by Time magazine, the number one thing that women want to be able to do is read men's minds and to know how guys really feel!
Unfortunately most guys will never open up to a woman and there is never any real way to get the actual truth about what goes on in their minds.
That is, until now.
Michael Fiore recently sent a very simple, powerful survey question to a list of over 20 000 men asking one amazing question...
"What's the one thing that you wished that the woman in your life understood about men but could NEVER tell her?"
If you'd like to learn the answer to that question (what men want sexually, emotionally, and intellectually, why men lie, why men cheat on women and so much more),
...you need to stop whatever you are doing right now and click here to watch this insightful yet chilling video...
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